HC Deb 30 July 1919 vol 118 c2133W

asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to the letter sent to the Association of Chambers of Commerce on the 18th May, 1914, by Mr. Herbert Samuel, President of the Local Government Board, in which he stated that a measure to amend the system of the rating of machinery had been postponed, but was to be introduced in the following Session of Parliament; whether the Government has entirely altered its attitude on this question; and, if so, will he state the reasons which have actuated the Government in coming to this decision?


I am aware of the letter written by Mr. Herbert Samuel on the 18th May, 1914, which intimated that the introduction of a measure to amend the system of rating had been postponed to the next Session of Parliament. I may, however, point out that on that date a Finance Bill was under consideration by Parliament which made provision for the payment of various Grants to local authorities in relief of local taxation. It was, as I understand, the intention of the then Government that the scheme of Grants should be followed by a measure dealing with the subject of rating generally. As intimated in the reply given to the hon. Member on the 14th instant, the Government cannot undertake legislation on the subject of the rating of machinery at the present time.