HC Deb 09 July 1919 vol 117 c1848W

asked the President of the Board of Trade if the question of accelerating transport has yet received his attention; whether he is aware that a consignment of twenty-six casks of butter, invoiced from Manchester to Mr. A. B. Gibson, wholesale provision importer and merchant, of Nottingham, on the 24th June, has not yet been delivered; that this butter was intended for distribution on the 30th June, and, in consequence of non-delivery, 23,064 persons in Nottingham have been without butter this week?


Yes, Sir; I can assure my hon. Friend that the question of accelerating transport receives my attention daily, and much has been done to ease the situation. I am not aware of the reason for the delay in the particular case mentioned, but if I am furnished with the name of the railway company concerned I will have inquiry made.