HC Deb 21 March 1918 vol 104 c1190W
Captain WRIGHT

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether the proposed Committee to settle the immediate steps necessary for the control of the collection, utilisation, and distribution of milk will hold its sittings in public, will have power to summon as witnesses and to take evidence from officials of the Government and members of the public, and will have placed at its disposal all material information possessed by the Ministry of Food?


This Committee will have the powers, and receive the information referred to by the hon. and gallant Member, but it is not proposed that it shall hold its sit/tings in public or have power to summon witnesses. All material information possessed by the Ministry of Food will be placed at its disposal, and the Committee will welcome any communication that may be made by the hon. Member or any members of the public whose names he may suggest.

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