HC Deb 29 July 1918 vol 109 cc47-8W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland how many constables of the Dublin Metropolitan Police have resigned or left the force since the Clause to the Military Service Act was passed making it applicable to Ireland; whether he is aware that discontent exists amongst the rank and file of the force; and if he will grant a sworn inquiry into the administration of the police force in Dublin, including the disappearance of property placed under the control of an officer of the C Division during the week succeeding the rebellion in Ireland?


Since the 18th April twelve constables of the Dublin Metropolitan Police resigned voluntarily, two resigned compulsorily, five were dismissed, two discharged on medical certificate, and one retired on pension. Of those who resigned voluntarily, ten did so to better their position, one resigned as he found police duty affected his health, and one because he had been punished for a disciplinary offence. I am not aware that any discontent exists in the force. With regard to the last part of the question, if the hon. Member will formulate any definite charge upon which action could be taken, I will consider the matter.