HC Deb 07 August 1918 vol 109 c1399W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Shipping Controller whether the rates of hire money paid by the United States Shipping Control Board for tramp steamers on time charter range from 41s. 6d. to 46s. 6d. per ton per month on the total deadweight carrying capacity of the vessel, the charterers paying all war-risk insurance; and will he state the rate of hire money per ton per month paid to owners of requisitioned British tramp steamers on the deadweight carrying capacity of a steamer of 5,000 tons total dead-weight?


I understand that the rates paid by the American Government for requisitioned tramp tonnage range from about 28s. 6d. per ton on the deadweight, for vessels of 2,500 to 3,000 tons, to 23s. 6d. per ton for vessels of 10,000 tons and over. The rate for a requisitioned British tramp vessel of 5,000 tons deadweight is equivalent to about 9s. per ton deadweight. In both cases charterers bear the war risk; in the case of British vessels the Government also bears wages of crew in excess of the 1914 standard, this is estimated to be worth another 1s., approximately, per ton.