HC Deb 23 April 1917 vol 92 cc2054-5W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he is aware that John Ryan, Lisheen, Pallasgrean, county Limerick, who was employed in a filling munitions factory since November, 1915, was compelled some ten days ago to join the Army, although at the time of his transfer in November, 1915, from Limerick, through the Labour Exchange he got a guarantee that he would not be called up for service, and was all along assured by the head of the munition factory where he worked that he was exempt from military service; why was his exemption badge taken from him and he forced to join the Munster Fusiliers; and, in view of the pledges and promises given in this House that all such men were not liable for military service, will this man's release and discharge be ordered at once so as to allow him to go back to his work, which he is prepared to do, provided that his exemption badge is returned to him?


Ryan was released for military service by the munition factory where he worked, on a substitute for him being found. I am inquiring whether Ryan claimed on reporting to be excepted from liability to service as an Irish migratory labourer, and will inform my hon. Friend of the result of the inquiries; but I would remind him that there was no Military Service Act in existence in November, 1915, and. I do not, therefore, see how the guarantee can have been given to Ryan by the Labour Exchange as stated.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War what procedure is to be adopted in the case of munition workers whom it is now proposed to call up for service in the Army; and what safeguards will be provided so as to prevent the calling up of men whose services are at present essential to secure the largest possible output of munitions of war?


My hon. Friend has asked me to reply to this question. The release of men from the Army for Admiralty, War Office and munitions work will be carried out under the provisions of a new Schedule of Protected Occupations. The Schedule and instructions as to the machinery will be published this week. The machinery provides safeguards for the retention of men essential to the output of munitions of war.

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