§ Mr. LUNDONasked the Secretary of State for War whether any further steps have been taken to secure for service young English and Scottish men of military age who have crossed over and are living in Ireland in order to evade military service; is he aware that all such men are known to the police at Dublin, Belfast, and other centres where they reside; will he say why the authorities do not take action against them; is he aware that many of them have false exemption cards, whilst others profess to lay claim to be Russian subjects; and, in view of the attitude taken up by the Irish Executive in relation to Irishmen who lived in England for a short period, and who claim exemption, will steps be taken to compel the Irish authorities to do their duty in the same manner towards Englishmen evading service?
§ Mr. FORSTERI would refer the hon. Member to the reply which I gave him on the 24th October. The hon. Member may remember I asked him on that date to give me any information he may possess. I have so far received no further communication from him.
§ Major NEWMANasked what measures are being taken in respect of men who are reported to be evading military service and are known to have gone to Ireland,?
§ Mr. FORSTERYes, Sir; steps are being taken, and if the hon. Member will forward me any information he may have, it will be inquired into.