HC Deb 14 December 1916 vol 88 cc868-9W

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will state whether the new Regulations imposed as to the milling of flour will apply to imported flour as well as to home-milled flour, and whether these Regulations will apply to flour which was either ordered from abroad or in transit before the new Regulations were imposed?


Imported flour will be admitted only subject to conditions as to quality preventing it from competing unfairly with home-milled flour. A statement on the subject was issued on 8th December.


asked whether such bakers and confectioners as shall have, on the 1st January next, in the ordinary course of business unused stocks of flour will be obliged to suffer the loss of such stocks without compensation; and how are they to be dealt with as respects those stocks?


The Board of Trade will be prepared to consider in exceptional cases of this kind applications for authority to depart from the terms of the Flour and Bread Order, 1916. Authority will, however, only be granted in cases which are clearly shown to call for exceptional treatment. I am sending the hon. Member a copy of a Press notice which has been issued on the subject.


asked the Vice-President of the Board of Agriculture (Ireland) whether he is aware that the Irish millers are changing the method of obtaining bran and pollard from corn, with the result that store pigs cannot be profitably fed for bacon but are being utilised as pork; and whether he will make inquiry and endeavour to provide a remedy?


Irish millers must necessarily conform to the new Regulations in regard to the manufacture of flour. The resultant reduction in offal will be in pollard rather than in bran. Investigations show that pigs can still be profitably fed on such mixed meals as are available.


asked the President of the Board of Trade whether confectioners will be allowed to use white flour until their stocks are run out or whether they will have to stop using it after 1st January; if so, what do the Board of Trade intend doing with their superfluous stocks; and if he will state whether there will be exemptions made in the case of those holding small stocks?


The Food Controller will be prepared in special circumstances to consider applications for licences in respect of such stocks. I am sending my hon. Friend a copy of an official notice which recently appeared in the Press on this point.


asked if it is intended to prohibit the artificial bleaching of flour, whether by chemical processes of manufacture, or by the addition of chemical or other substances?


This point will be watched, and, if it is thought necessary, action will be taken on the lines suggested in the question.