§ Mr. FARRELLasked the Chief Secretary whether he was consulted by the Department of Technical Instruction about stopping the small grants to Irish training colleges; whether he is aware that this will mean closing some fifteen establishments; and will he direct that this be not done?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe Department inform me that they have not stopped their grants to training colleges, and that the hon. Member probably refers to the suspension of the grants to the colleges of Irish. These colleges are affected by the temporary suspension of Section III. of the Programme for Technical Schools and Classes, under which grants have been made by the Department for the supplementary training of teachers of primary and secondary schools in experimental science, drawing, manual work, domestic economy, Irish, etc. This matter has been fully dealt with in the reply given to-day by the Vice-President of the Department to a question by the hon. Member for Westmeath. The Department state that they are not aware that the suspension of these grants will result in the closing of any establishment.