§ Mr. J. P. FARRELLasked the Chief Secretary whether any proposal has been made by Mr. James W. Bond, D.L., county Longford, recently to sell his ranch at Coolcraff to the Estates Commissioners; and, if not, will he request them to communicate with Mr. Bond, who has now promised to sell these lands for distribution if a price can be arranged?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. As the hon. Member has already been informed, the Estates Commissioners have had an inspection made of the lands referred to and have intimated to the owner the sum they would be prepared to advance if formal proceedings are instituted for the sale of the lands to them under the Land Purchase Acts. Up to the present the owner has not instituted such proceedings.
§ Mr. PATRICK WHITEasked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the Estates Commissioners have acquired any and, if so, how much untenanted land on the Reynall Estate, Mullaghmore, county Meath; and, if so, whether it is proposed to divide it amongst local applicants, and when?
§ Mr. BIRRELLI am informed that in connection with the sale by the owner to the tenants of their holdings on the estate of F. H. Reynall, situate in the counties of Meath and Westmeath, the owner has included, for sale to the Estates Commissioners for the purpose of distribution, some 170 acres of untenanted land in the town lands of Lobinstown, Killary, Derry-crane, and Clonsura, but, apparently, no lands of the name of Mullaghmore. In the allotment of these 170 acres, if acquired,210W the Estates Commissioners will have due regard to the wants and circumstances of the occupiers in the neighbourhood. The estate has not yet been reached in its order of priority to be dealt with by the Commissioners, and they are not at present in a position to state when they may allot the lands.
§ Mr. P. WHITEalso asked whether the Estates Commissioners have offered a price for the untenanted land on the Headfort estate in the town lands of Ballintillian and Moate; whether their offer has been accepted; and, if so, whether the Commissioners propose to divide it amongst local applicants, and when?
§ Mr. BIRRELLI am informed by the Estates Commissioners that the reply to the first part of the question is in the negative, and that the acquisition of the land will be considered in connection with the sale of the estate. The Commissioners cannot at present say when they will be in a position to distribute the lands. In making this distribution they will have due regard to the wants and circumstances of the occupiers in the neighbourhood.