HC Deb 20 April 1915 vol 71 c211W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether he will state the method in his Department for the purchase of timber for the use of the Indian Government; whether the purchases are made through a broker and, if so, on what terms, or whether by a permanent officer of the Department and, if so, on what basis of remuneration; and what has been the amount of such purchases since the War compared with previous years?


Timber obtained in this country for the use of the Government of India is purchased by inviting tenders from the trade. Contracts are arranged on behalf of the Secretary of State in Council by the Director-General of the Stores Department of the India Office as part of his ordinary duties. He is a permanent official on a fixed salary. Since the beginning of the War the amount of such purchases is £5,851 16s. In the corresponding period of the year 1913–14 it was £5,512 17s. 11d., and of 1912–13 £6,068 3s. 4d.