HC Deb 24 February 1914 vol 58 cc1599-601W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether any untenanted land on the Wade estate, Clonabraney, county Meath, has been offered for sale to the Estates Commissioners; if so, is it likely to be acquired; whether the

wants of the numerous small holders, who would be destitute of the means of livelihood if it is not purchased, have been inquired into; and whether the tenanted portion of the estate will be vested in the occupiers this year?


The Estates Commissioners have had the lands inspected, and have intimated the suns they would be prepared to advance for the lands, if sold to them. The owner has asked the Commissioners to increase the price. No arrangements as regards the resale of the lands, if acquired, have been made by the Commissioners. The tenanted portion of the estate is not yet in priority to be vested in the purchasing tenants.


asked if, when the untenanted lands of the Roche Kelly estate at Ballybricken, in the county of Limerick, are being distributed, the claim of Thomas Moloney, of Ballysheedy, in the said county, who is the grandson of the late Daniel Maher, who was evicted from 20 acres of land on that estate, will be taken into such consideration as will secure for this applicant an equivalent portion of the lands in question to that from which his mother, daughter of Daniel Maher, was evicted some years outside the prescribed time limit; and will he request the Estates Commissioners to say what is

the result of the attention promised by them in their letter to the hon. Member for Limerick City, dated 11th July, 1913, and that, as the eviction in question was one of unusual severity and as the claimant is a well-qualified farmer, due consideration will be given to his case?


The Estates Commissioners inform me that Bridget Moloney, the mother of Thomas Moloney, made application in April, 1908, for reinstatement in a farm from which her father, Daniel Maher, is stated to have been evicted in 1852. As the eviction did not take place within the twenty-five years prior to the passing of the Irish Land Act, 1903, neither Mrs. Moloney nor her son come within the class of persons who can be dealt with as evicted tenants by the Commissioners under the provisions of the Land Purchase Acts, and they do not intend to take any action in the matter.


asked whether the Congested Districts Board have yet conic to terms with Mr. Aitkins for the purchase of his interest in the (late) O'Donel estate, county Mayo, or when they hope to complete the purchase?


The Congested Districts Board have arranged terms with Mr. Aitkin for the purchase of his tenant-right interest in the farm which he holds on the O'Donel estate.


asked whether the Congested Districts Board has yet come to an agreement with Mr. Robert Vesey Stoney as to the sale of the village and lands of Mulranny, county Mayo, or when they hope to complete the purchase?


The Congested Districts Board have not yet come to any arrangement for the purchase of the estate referred to, and they cannot, at present, say when it is likely that the property will be purchased.