HC Deb 17 July 1913 vol 55 cc1451-3W

asked the Chief Secretary if pensions were granted under the Irish Constabulary Act, 1883, to the families of Head-Constable Whelehan, Ennis; Head-Constable Rogers, Borrisokane; Head-Constable Peate, Belfast; and Commandant Rogers, Depot, Dublin, all of whom died serving; if so, will he state the amount in each case; the amount paid in each case out of the Irish Constabulary Force Fund; all other payments made to each of those families; the number of members in each of the families; the length of service of each of the persons named; and the amount paid into the fund by each?


Head Constable Whelehan, who was murdered while on duty, left a widow and five children. His widow received a special pension of £40 per annum and £2 10s. per annum for each of four children until they reached the age of fifteen years. Head-Constable Whelehan had served for twenty-three years, and had contributed £18 2s. to the Constabulary Force Fund, from which his widow and children received £155 8s. 9d. Head-Constable Rogers had thirty-nine years' service and contributed £45 13s. 11d. to the fund. His widow was granted a pension of £10 8s. per annum, but as she was not married twelve months prior to her husband's death, she was ineligible for a grant from the fund. Head-Constable Peate, who had served for thirty - seven years and contributed £45 18s. 6d. to the fund, left a widow and one child, who received a sum of £196 1s. 11d. from the fund. His widow was also granted a pension of £10 8s. per annum and £2 10s. per annum in respect of the child until it reached the age of fifteen years. Commandant Rogers served for thirty-three years and contributed £147 7s. 5d. to the fund. He left a widow and two children, who received £748 8s. 2d. from the fund. No pension was granted in this case. No other payments were made to any of the families referred to.


asked the, Chief Secretary (1) if he will state, for the three years ended 31st March, 1913, the number of cases in which payments have been made out of the Irish Constabulary Force Fund, benefit branch, to the widows and children of officers and of men, respectively; the number of persons relieved; the maximum and minimum grants; the amounts contributed to the fund in those maximum and minimum cases; the total contributions and total grants in the cases of the officers and men, respectively; (2) if he will state the amounts of receipts and expenditure, respectively, of the Irish Constabulary Force Fund, reward branch, from 1st April, 1891, to 31st March, 1913, distinguishing in the receipts fines and penalties, disciplinary fines, verification of weights and measures, and other sources, and distinguishing in the expenditure rewards to officers for good police duty, re rewards to men for good police duty, rewards for freedom from unfavourable records, to cover expenses on retirement to head-constables on promotion and other charges; (3) if he will state from the Annual Reports of the Irish Constabulary Force Fund the amount added to that fund as interest on investments every year from the 10th August, 1866 to 1891; and (4) if he will state the total receipts and total payments of the Irish Constabulary Force Fund during the term of office of each Inspector-General since 1836, showing the payments under three heads—rewards to members of the force, grants to head constables on promotion to district inspectorships, and payments to widows and children of subscribers?


I would refer the hon. Member to my reply to his similar questions on the 3rd instant, to which I have nothing to add.


asked the Secretary to the Treasury the amount paid out of the Irish Constabulary Force Fund under the respective heads of rewards, bounties, gratuities, and allowances each year from the 10th August, 1866, to the present time; the totals; the Statutes, if any, under which these respective payments were made; and the meaning of the respective terms in this connection?


As I have already informed the hon. Member, the constabulary authorities have been busy procuring information required for the actuarial investigation of the position of the fund, and I cannot impose upon them the duty of preparing the further Return on the subject asked for in the question.