HC Deb 13 August 1913 vol 56 cc2523-4W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland what is the amount of the bonus paid to Irish landlords under the Irish Land Acts, 1903 and 1909, respectively, and what has been the actual cost to the Exchequer of raising this amount; and what is the amount of the purchase money paid under the Act of 1903, and what has been the cost incurred by the Exchequer in raising this amount in cash?


The amounts of bonus paid in cash to vendors up to 31st March last were, under the Act of 1903, £5,661,048, and under the Act of 1909, £194,724. These sums were raised by the issue of £4,451,444 Guaranteed 21 per Cent. Stock and £2,450,000 Guaranteed 3 per Cent. Stock, which involved an annual charge on the Exchequer of £230,422, including a sinking fund of 10s. per cent. At the 31st March, 1913, the advances for land purchase under the Act of 1903, including the cash value of the advances in Guaranteed 2¾ per Cent. Stock, were £55,227,321, which involved an annual charge of £268,151, including a sinking fund of 10s. per cent. Of this annual charge £160,000 is payable from the Ireland Development Grant, and the balance of £108,151 is payable from the Exchequer.