HC Deb 11 November 1912 vol 43 c1750W

asked the number of fair rent appeals each year for the last ten years; and in how many cases have the decisions been upset and confirmed, respectively, upon appeal?


Full particulars with regard to the number of fair rent appeals lodged in each year appear in the Annual Reports of the Irish Land Commission to which I would refer the hon. Member. These reports also contain information by counties as to the effect of the Appeal Court decisions on the Orders of the Court below in the cases dealt with.


asked the definition of a "fair rent"; and what definite rules have been issued by the Land Commission for the guidance of their officials when fixing fair rents?


The Land Commission inform me that the expression "fair rent," as used in the Land Law Acts is not defined in those Acts. Where application is made to the Court to fix a fair rent the case is decided after hearing the evidence offered by the parties and considering all the circumstances of the case, holding, and district as well as the various Statutes which have been passed, and the many legal decisions which have been pronounced in relation to such matters. The forms of report at present required to be filled up for the purpose of complying with the provisions of Section 1 of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1896, are to be found in the Rules of the Irish Land Commission dated the 20th July, 1899, which have been presented to Parliament.