HC Deb 07 May 1912 vol 38 cc368-9W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has power to compel foreign ships embarking passengers or crew in British ports to supply boat accommodation for passengers and crew on the same scale as British ships; and, if not, will he introduce legislation giving him such power?


Foreign ships in United Kingdom ports are already required to comply with the British Life-Saving Appliances Rules unless they have complied with the requirements of their own law, and those requirements have been recognised by Order in Council as being as effective as our own.


asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that, under Admiralty Regulations, it has been the practice for some years to insist upon boat accommodation being provided for everyone on board troop transports, and that no abatement is permitted in consequence of steamers being divided into efficient watertight compartments; and whether he will at once issue orders for the provision of boats on the Admiralty scale for all passenger and merchant ships?


I am aware of the facts stated in my hon. Friend's question. I cannot at present add to the information which I have already given to the House as to the steps now being actively taken with a view to the revision of the Board of Trade Rules with regard to life-saving appliances at sea.