HC Deb 11 March 1912 vol 35 cc915-7W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he can state when the Neptune Blood estate, county Clare, is to be finally dealt with by the Congested Districts Board?


The Congested Districts Board purchased this estate about six months ago, and it would be impossible to say at present when the land will be resold to tenants.


asked the Chief Secretary whether any request was made to the representatives of the late Major Wilson Lynch, Kinvarra, for the purchase of his estate situate at Durras, Aughuish, Funshin, and Newtown, near Kinvarra; what quantity of land, if any, was offered to the Board on the same estate at Durras; has the estate been acquired; and, if not, will he explain the cause?


The Congested Districts Board have been in communication with the solicitors of the late Major Wilson Lynch, and the maps and some of the documents necessary for a preliminary inspection have been lodged with the Board, and the remaining documents are awaited. The townsland of Doorus Park, containing 136 acres, has been included in the estate offered. The Board have not, yet acquired the property, but on receipt of the additional information asked for the estate will be inspected, and a decision arrived at regarding purchase as soon as practicable.


asked the cause of the delay in the Congested Districts Board not taking over the untenanted land offered to the Board by Mr. Brady Murray, and situated at Caheravonee and Moydon, Kinvarra, county Galway; whether he is aware that those lands were twice inspected and are situated in the neighbourhood of congested holdings; and will he say what further evidence do they require to satisfy them that landlord and tenants alike are most anxious that those farms should be acquired?


The Congested Districts Board found it necessary to have a second inspection of this property made. The question of purchase will be considered by the Board at their meeting on the 13th instant.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the estate of Blake Foster, Kinvarra, county Galway, was inspected in March, 1911; has any offer been made by the Congested Districts Board to the landlord, and with what result; is he aware that the estate is one of the most congested in Galway; and, having regard to the legal proceedings instituted against the tenants and the wisdom of establishing lasting peace between all concerned, will he make a representation to the Congested Districts Board pleading urgency in this case?


The estate referred to has been inspected, and the Congested Districts Board, at their last meeting, decided to make an offer for purchase which will be issued without avoidable delay. The Board are aware that the great majority of the holdings on the estate are under £7 valuation.


asked whether sales which have taken place under the Land Act of 1903, in which tenants were induced through the wiping out of arrears of rent and in many cases compelled to pay large prices, will be annulled?


The Estates Commissioners are not aware of the sales to which the hon. Member refers. If evidence is submitted to them that any tenant has been induced to agree to purchase his holding by duress or other improper means it will be duly considered by them when they are dealing with the sale of the property under the Land Purchase Acts. Meanwhile it is open to any such tenant to institute legal proceedings if so advised to have his agreement set aside in the High Court or County Court as the case may be.


asked if an agreement to purchase a farm at Kilmore, Charleville, county Cork, has been lodged with the Irish Land Commission, on the property of John R. Daly, naming Daniel R. Daly as tenant purchaser, although the latter never occupied this farm, and the purchaser is brother to the owner; and will the Commissioners inquire into all these circumstances before issuing a vesting order?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on the 13th December last, to which I have nothing to add.