HC Deb 10 June 1912 vol 39 cc650-1W
Captain CRAIG

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention has been called to a compensation claim under the Workmen's Compensation Act recently held before the Recorder of Belfast, during the hearing of which the fact was brought out that Mr. William Walker, J.P., of 41, Marsden Gardens, Cave Hill, Belfast, recommended a man named M' Shane not to reveal to the Belfast Tramway Company, from whom he was receiving 22s. 6d. a week, the fact that he was at the same time drawing compensation pay of 7s. 6d. per week from the Belfast Mineral Water Company; whether he can state if this Mr. Walker holds a position under the National Insurance Act; and, if so, the nature of the position and the salary attached; and what action he proposes to take in connection with the question referred to?


Mr. Walker is an official lecturer under the Irish Insurance Commission at a weekly salary of £5. The Lord Chancellor has inquired fully into the case, and has decided that no action is called for as regards Mr. Walker's position as a magistrate. It appears that Mr. Walker was not aware that M'Shane was drawing compensation pay and at the same time wages from a new employment until he had lost the latter employment. Under these circumstances the Irish Commissioners have decided that no action on their part is necessary.


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer why, in the course of lectures delivered in Shrewsbury last month on the National Insurance Act by the Government lecturers the representatives of the friendly societies were pledged to secrecy and not allowed to impart the information gained to other people affected by the National Insurance Act?


The representatives of the friendly societies were not pledged to secrecy. On the contrary the intention of such lectures is that the officials who attend them should not only be prepared for the duties which will fall upon themselves, but also be enabled to give information about the Act to the members of their societies.


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the reasons for keeping private the proceedings of the eight gatherings addressed by a Government lecturer during the current week, on the Insurance Act, at the County Court, Wolverhampton; and will he explain why all but privileged ticketholders were prevented from enjoying the benefit of the information, afforded at the taxpayers' expense, by the exclusion of reporters?


The course of lectures referred to was organised in order to give information to those likely to be concerned in putting the Act into operation. Every society in and around Wolverhampton which appeared likely to become or form an approved society was invited to send its officials, and over 700 tickets were issued. I have already explained many times in the House the course of procedure adopted by the Insurance Commission in connection with lectures or courses of lectures given by their officials.