HC Deb 15 November 1911 vol 31 c494W

asked the Lord Advocate what has been the excess of births over deaths in Scotland during the first ten months of the present year; and what was the excess of emigration from, over immigration to, Scottish ports during the same period?


The information at present available is applicable to nine months, namely, from 1st January to 30th September last. During that period there were registered in Scotland 93,297 births and 54,008 deaths. The excess of births over deaths during the period in question was therefore 39,289. The following table shows the number of passengers at Scottish ports to and from places out of Europe during the first ten months of 1911:—

Recorded as of Scottish Nationality. Others. Total.
Outward 54,503 6,428 60,931
Inward 9,302 12,474 21,776
Balance Outward 45,201 39,155
Balance Inward 6,046