HC Deb 15 November 1911 vol 31 cc492-4W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether, when giving his sanction to the Crich sewerage scheme, he was aware that the parish council and parishioners generally were opposed to the scheme, but could not fully reveal their opposition owing to the public inquiry being made at the hour of 11 p.m.; that the chairman of the county council declared it was far too expensive and the medical officer of health said it was not necessary; that there has only been one death from enteric in the parish for many years, and that in a part of the parish not touched by the proposed scheme, whilst in the neighbouring district of Winster, where a similar scheme has been laid, a number of deaths have taken place, which, in the opinion of the residents, were caused by the scheme; that, owing to a recent reassessment, rates have been increased 10d. in the £ on houses rented at £5 or less, and that the residents, who are chiefly labouring men receiving small wages, are unable to pay the further rates involved in this scheme; and whether he will delay the present scheme until a further inquiry has been made?


I am aware that the Parish Council of Crich and some of the parishioners are opposed to the scheme, but I am not aware that those opposed to it could not fully reveal their opposition owing to the public inquiry being held at 11 a.m. I find that two gentlemen, who had been appointed at a public meeting held the previous day to represent the ratepayers, were present at the inquiry, and placed their views before the inspector. I am not aware that the Chairman of the County Council has declared that the scheme is far too expensive, nor am I aware that the Medical Officer of Health said it was not necessary. On the contrary, the Medical Officer of Health to the Rural District Council stated at the inquiry that, "in his opinion, nothing short of a comprehensive scheme such as that now proposed would remedy the present unsatisfactory state of affairs, and that the carrying out of the scheme was absolutely necessary," and the County Medical Officer of Health, while admitting the necessity for a sewerage scheme, wrote after the inquiry suggesting certain modifications with a view to reducing the cost, which modifications (so far as they were practicable) had, however, already been recommended by my engineering advisers. In view of the evidence as to the necessity for a scheme I cannot attach much weight to the statements in the question as to mortality within and outside the township. The scheme has been very carefully considered by my engineering advisers, and all practicable modifications have been made with a view to reduction of cost. The scheme being necessary, I cannot see my way to delay it as suggested.