HC Deb 27 February 1911 vol 22 cc165-6W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that dissatisfaction exists amongst the labourers of Crumlin district, county Antrim, in consequence of the high reats charged for the labourers' cottages erected under the Labourers' Act; whether he is aware that employment in the district is scarce and irregular, making the payment of these high rents a great hardship; and whether he will send an inspector from the Local Government Board to make inquiry into this matter with a view to the reduction of the present rents?


I am aware that dissatisfaction exists in the Crumlin district, county Antrim, as stated in the question. The inspector of the Local Government Board reported that the wages of the agricultural labourers in the district averaged about thirteen shillings a week. The rents vary from one and sixpence to two shillings a week, the latter rent being charged in certain cases where cottages are situated within a mile of certain towns, and the necessary land has been acquired at a high cost. The regulations of the rural district council fixing the rents were adopted in July last, and duly confirmed by the Board in August, after full and careful consideration, and there would not appear to be any advantage in now holding the suggested inquiry.