HC Deb 27 April 1911 vol 24 cc2099-100W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Territorial officers are now being asked to refund the outfit grant which was given to them to cover the cost of the necessary changes in uniform under Paragraph 606, Territorial Force Regulations, notwithstanding the fact that, at the time of transfer, these officers were fully qualified Volunteer officers; and whether he will take immediate steps for the cancelling of this order?

Colonel SEELY

Officers who qualified fully as Volunteer officers in the Volunteer Force for the branch in which they are serving are not required to obtain any further qualification in the Territorial Force, beyond serving three years and being returned as efficient three times, in order to enable them to retain the outfit grant given on transfer. There is therefore no such order as that to which the hon. Member refers, but if the hon. Member would be good enough to forward to me details of the cases to which he refers I will make full inquiry.