HC Deb 21 April 1911 vol 24 cc1329-30W

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if his attention has been directed to the conviction, at Northamptonshire Quarter Sessions, on 7th April, of Mrs. Sarah Lambert, of Wellingborough, for knowingly receiving stolen goods; if he has made in quiry into the circumstances of the case; if he is satisfied that Mrs. Lambert pawned the goods in question with criminal intent; and, if not, whether he will revise-the sentence passed upon her?


I had not heard of the case until my hon. Friend wrote to me-about it. As I have already informed him by letter, the proper course in such a case-is an application to the Court of Criminal Appeal, which can be made by the prisoner herself. The application can be made free of cost. Assistance is given by the prison officials in preparing the application; and if the prisoner's friends desire to see her for the purpose of her appeal, all necessary facilities will be given. The Home Secretary is charged with the exercise of the prerogative of mercy, but he-has no power to retry a criminal case, and no means of doing so.