HC Deb 23 September 1909 vol 11 cc808-9W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if, with a view to securing greater economy and control over expenditure in the Department for Royal Engineer services, he will confer greater powers on the Army Audit Branch to enable those officers to ascertain for themselves that money voted is expended for the purpose for which it was intended by Parliament, and that value was received either in the purchase of stores and materials or in payment of wages; could he have all check-book workmen's wages paid by postal order or by a cashier from the Audit Branch in a similar way to that in force in the Director of Works Department to the Admiralty; or, if this could not be done at all stations, will it be given a trial in the Aldershot Command?


If the hon. Member has any evidence of the existence in the Department referred to of irregularities such as his question indicates, I shall be glad if he will communicate further with me. In the absence of any such evidence, I see no sufficient reason for taking the steps suggested.