HC Deb 14 September 1909 vol 10 c2122W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether the Board will adhere to their recently expressed decision not to make any reduction in the status of stewards who may be appointed by the Metropolitan Asylums Board who have been classified as principal officers since the formation of the Metropolitan Asylum District in 1867, especially in view of the recommendations of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress to improve the status of officers generally; whether the duties of steward will in future, as heretofore, be clearly defined by orders of the Local Government Board; and whether the existing orders of the Local Government Board, dated the 10th February, 1875 (Article 71, No. 14), meet the wishes of the managers of the Metropolitan Asylum District without any further alteration?


I have had this subject under consideration. The managers of the Metropolitan Asylums Board are desirous that some alteration should be made in the existing orders with regard to the status of future stewards, and I propose to issue an Order dealing with the matter. The duties of the stewards will continue to be defined by orders of the Local Government Board.