HC Deb 03 September 1909 vol 10 c879W

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will say how many males and females (other than persons convicted of homicide or attempted murder) are now serving in England and Wales sentences of penal servitude for terms exceeding 10 years; how many of these have now undergone penal servitude for a period longer than 10 years; and if he will say for what offences all such persons were so sentenced?


The following table gives the information:—

Offences for which sentenced. Number of persons (other than persons convicted of homicide or attempted murder) now serving in England and Wales, sentences of penal servitude for terms exceeding 10 years. Number of persons included in the preceding column who have now undergone penal servitude for a period longer than 10 years.
Males. Females. Males. Females.
Wounding and other acts endangering life (felonies) 12
Endangering life at sea 1
Possessing explosive substances with intent by means thereof to endanger life 1 1
Procuring abortion 1
Unnatural offences 3
Rape 27 7
Defilement of girls under 13 14
Bigamy 1
Burglary 11
Housebreaking 2
Breaking into shops, warehouses, etc. 3
Robbery and assaults with intent to rob 1
Extortion by threats to accuse of crime 4 3
Extortion by other threats 2
Larceny of horses, cattle and sheep 1
Receiving stolen goods 2 1
Arson 2
Forgery and uttering (felony) 4 1
Coining 2
Uttering or possessing counterfeit coin 2
Total 96 13