HC Deb 01 October 1909 vol 11 cc1636-7W

asked the Home Secretary whether he has received any report from the medical officer of the Winson Green Gaol, Birmingham, concerning the women suffrage prisoners; and whether any of them, and, if so, how many, are still having food administered by force.


I have received several reports from the medical officer. From the report received this morning it appears that seven prisoners still refuse to feed themselves, but only one of the seven now requires to be fed by tube. The others accept food when administered to them from a feeding-cup.


asked the Home Secretary whether he has received any report from the medical officer at Winson Green Gaol, Birmingham, detailing the method adopted to administer food by force to the women suffrage prisoners; whether the instrument used was Bland-ford's œsophageal instrument, or whose; whether a screw gag was used to prise the teeth apart and keep the jaws open; whether the prisoners were strapped down, or, if not, how many attendants took part in the operation; and whether he can give the names of the women who have been subjected to this treatment?


I have received several reports from the medical officer. I find that Blandford's œsophageal tube has not been used; in those cases where a tube was required the ordinary soft rubber feeding tube used in hospitals was employed. No screw gag was used, and the prisoners were not strapped down. The number of attendants present varied from one to five. I do not think it is desirable that I should mention the names of the prisoners. I am satisfied that everything has been done with the utmost gentleness possible in the circumstances; and the prisoners themselves have borne witness to the kindness of the officers.