HC Deb 20 May 1909 vol 5 c716W

asked the Postmaster-General whether, in view of the large number of small local post offices that are compelled to be kept open at stated hours on Sunday, thereby depriving the postmaster or postmistress of their Sunday day of rest without any remuneration, and in view of the very considerable saving that would be effected by doing away with the Sunday service, he will make special inquiry into the public sentiment on the matter?


Sub-postmasters and sub-postmistresses receive remuneration for Sunday attendance. As I stated in my reply to my hon. Friend's question on the 10th instant, it is my wish to discourage Sunday labour as far as possible in the Post Office. With that end in view I have taken steps to ascertain local opinion on the question of restricting the hours during which Post Offices are open on Sundays in England and Wales and Ireland. The hours in Scotland are already restricted.