HC Deb 19 May 1909 vol 5 cc533-4W

asked the Chief Secretary of Ireland if he can state whether the new National school recently erected at Randalstown, county Antrim, and to which the Commissioners gave two-thirds of the cost, has two joint managers and two lay managers or patrons; if so, have they equal powers, especially in seeing and endorsing those private reports which are asked for from school managers; and if the lay managers or patrons have the power to give the school premises for the holding of a Sabbath school or other religious purpose.


The Commissioners of National Education inform me that in 1908 a grant was made of two-thirds of the cost of building a school vested in the Commissioners to supersede Caddy National School, Randalstown. The patronship of the school is vested in the Reverend J. McKinstry, Randalstown; Joseph Thompson, Andraid, County Antrim; and James Walker, Culsythe, County Antrim. The Reverend J. McKinstry is the manager of the school. Confidential reports are furnished by the manager only. This being a vested schoolhouse its use is governed by the rule which provides that such school houses must be used exclusively for the education of the pupils attending them unless with the special approval of the Commissioners, but may be employed on Sundays for Sunday schools with the sanction of the patrons or managers, subject in cases leading to contention or abuse, to the interference of the Commissioners.