HC Deb 17 May 1909 vol 5 c197W

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that the American mails sometimes arrive in Queenstown after 3 p.m., the time when the Dublin train leaves; and that they are then taken on to Liverpool by steamer and not delivered in London until 5 or 6 o'clock next evening, which is too late for business purposes; and whether he will consider the advisability of landing those mails in Queenstown and sending them by the 7 p.m. train by Rosslare, which would enable them to arrive in London at 9 o'clock next morning and be delivered in the forenoon at all business places?


I have on more than one occasion in the past given careful consideration to the question referred to by my hon. Friend, and I have recently arranged for the Rosslare and Fishguard route to be used for homeward American mails for South Wales and the South of England when the use of that route will afford any material advantage over the Liverpool route. It appears, however, that the practical difficulties in the way of using the Rosslare route for the whole mails, which are of considerable bulk, are so great that I have not found it possible to adopt that route for the London portion. I will not, however, lose sight of the suggestion.