HC Deb 12 May 1909 vol 4 cc1970-1W

asked the Postmaster-General whether, in view of the fact that Treasury authority was necessary to bring into operation the recommendations of the Tweedmouth Committee, the sanction of the Treasury was sought or was necessary to rescind that part of the Committee's recommendations which granted to sorters a compensating duty allowance of rate and a quarter for all time worked in excess of 16 hours in 48 hours?

The Hon. Member further asked the Postmaster-General, in view of his answer to a branch of the Fawcett Association that the granting of the time allowance of rate and a quarter for all excess of 16 hours worked within 48 hours was incompatible with the granting of a half-holiday, whether any of the men deprived of the compensating allowance are in receipt of the weekly half-holiday?


I will answer these two questions together. The maintenance of the Tweedmouth Regulation, under which attendance in excess of 16 hours in two days was reckoned at rate and a quarter, was incompatible with pronouncements of the Select Committee on Post Office Servants on the subject of attendances and the weekly half-holiday. General Treasury authority was obtained for this as for other parts of the Parliamentary Committee Revision. A weekly half-holiday is granted so far as circumstances permit.