§ Mr. H. C. LEAasked the Secretary of State for War, with reference to the Annual Report on the Army [Cd. 4493], page 69, what were the rank and corps of the one man serving at Home and the 12 men serving Abroad who were sentenced to penal servitude, and of the one man serving at Home who was discharged with ignominy during the year ended 30th September, 1908; will he give in each case
Rank. Corps. Offence. Sentence. Tried on Tried at By Sentence confirmed by
Private- 1st Bn. East Surrey Regt.
Striking his captain- 3 years' penal servitude
15/9/08 Jersey- General Court
The King. Driver- 91st By. R.F.A.- Striking his superior officer in the execu-
tion of his office and
escaping arrest
3 years' penal servitude
21/10/07 Harri- smith
" G. O. C. in C.,. South Africa.
Gunner- Sierra Leone R.G.A Violence to and dis- obedience to officers
5 years' penal servitude
23/3/08 Sierra Leone
" G.O.C. Troops, West Africa.
Private- 1st K.O. Scottish Borderers
Murder; found guilty of manslaughter
5 years' penal servitude
2/7/08 Cairo- " G.O.C. Troops, Egypt.
" 2nd Dorset Regt.- Wounding with intent to murder
15 years' penal servitude; 5
years remit-
21/9/07 Wel- lington,
" G. O. C. 9th Division, and
approved by
General in
" 1st York & Lane. Regt.
Murder; found guilty of manslaughter
5 years' penal servitude
25/9/07 Quetta " G. O. C. 4th Division, and
approved by
" 1st Manchester Regt.
Striking superior offi- cer, and violence to
superior officer
3 years' penal servitude
7/10/07 Banga- lore
" G. O. C. 9th Division.
" 2nd Leicester Regt. Striking lance - cor- poral
4 years' penal servitude
3/3/08 Bel- gaum
" G. O. C. 6th Division.
" " Striking lance-cor- poral, non-appear-
ante at parade, in-
subordinate langu-
3 years' penal servitude
3/3/08 " " G. O. C. 6th Division.
" 1st West Riding Regt.
Wounding withintent to murder; killing
15 years' penal servitude
24/7/08 Rani- khet
" G. O. C. 7th Division and
" " cattle; arming them- selves in view of col-
lision with natives
10 years' penal servitude
" " " approved by Governor-
" 1st Liverpool Regt. Disobedience and in- subordinate lan
4 years' penal servitude
14/8/08 Poona - " G. O. C. 6th Division.
Gunner- 79 By. R.F.A.- Violence to officers- 3 years' penal servitude
28/9/08 Luck- now
" G. O. C. 6th Division.
Private- 7th Drag. Guards- Enlisting after dis- charge with disgrace
Discharged with igno-
25/1/08 Canter- bury
District Court
G. O. C. 2nd Cavalry Bri-
Except in the Indian cases the proceedings were revised by the Judge Advocate-General.