HC Deb 29 July 1909 vol 8 c1448W

asked the Chief Secretary whether the Estates Commissioners, having declined to consider the claims of James Butler and James Mulcahy for reinstatement in their old holdings on the Bevan estate at Bruff, county Limerick, will provide them with an equivalent on some untenanted lands in county Limerick, having regard to the fact that they are bonâ fide evicted tenants and only a few years previous to their eviction they spent £500 on the erection of a dwelling-house for which they were never allowed one farthing?


As I have already informed the hon. Member, in reply to the question asked by him on the 21st instant, the Estates Commissioners have decided to take no action on the applications of these persons. The hon. Member appears to have been misinformed as to the facts of the case. The lands in question are not lands to which the Land Law Acts apply, and the applicants were not evicted but surrendered their holdings.