HC Deb 19 July 1909 vol 8 c246W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he had any official information showing that an excursion train conveying a contingent from Beragh, Carrickmore, and Pomeroy to Armagh, on 26th June was attacked by a fusilade of stones at Portadown; that some of the carriage windows were broken, and that a lady was cut by falling glass and a priest injured; and, if so, whether any arrests have been made in connection with the outrage, or whether the police have made any attempt to bring the attacking party to justice?


I am informed by the Constabulary authorities that on 27th June last a number of excursion trains passed through Portadown. When one of these trains was passing through the outskirts of the town a stone supposed to have been thrown from the backyard of some houses broke the window of a first-class carriage occupied by a priest and a lady. The former was uninjured, but the lady was slightly cut by the glass. The police did not see the stone thrown, and no person has been arrested in connection with the matter, though searching inquiries have been made.