HC Deb 05 July 1909 vol 7 cc997-8W

asked the Chief Secretary if he will state the income received by the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland in respect of the River Shannon for the last completed financial year, under the heads of fisheries, tolls, rents, water power, and any further source; and what for the same period was the expenditure under the above heads?


The figures of income for the financial year 1908–9 are:—

Fisheries rents £1,800
Tolls 2,839
Bents other than from fisheries, but including water power not separately charged for in lettings 667
Hire of plant, dredger, sales, etc. 56
Total £5,362
The expenditure cannot be given separately under the preceding heads, but it amounted in all to a sum of £5,756, expended on maintenance works, wages to lock-keepers and superintendence of the navigation, exclusive of an expenditure of £568 on drainage works connected with the River Shannon, which was met out of Voted Moneys.