HC Deb 27 August 1909 vol 9 cc2525-6W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether any statistics are available showing the number of outbreaks of and the number of animals affected with rinderpest, red water, and African horse sickness in British South Africa for each year since 1901; and what are the recognised methods adopted by the Government authorities in dealing with each of these epizootics respectively?

Colonel SEELY

The information does not, so far as I am aware, exist in any collected form, though it is probably contained in the various annual and other Reports of the different South African Administrations. A Conference on diseases amongst cattle and other animals in South Africa sat in December, 1903, and made recommendations with regard to the means best suited for stamping out disease, and an Inter colonial Veterinary Conference was held in March, 1907. I shall be happy to show my hon. Friend the Reports of the Conferences and legislation in force.