§ Mr. SNOWDENasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that at the annual general meeting of the Fawcett Association a Mr. Amnion stated that since the Courtney Committee reported in 1903 a number of Post Office employés had died in harness, or shortly after retirement, thus causing a privation and suffering to the widows and dependent relatives, who were deprived of any share of the accrued pensions; and whether, as a means to lessen such distress in the future, the promised amended Civil Servants Superannuation Act will be introduced this session, and at an early date?
§ Mr. HOBHOUSEMy attention has not been previously drawn to the statement referred to by the hon. Member, which seems to me to be somewhat misleading in its use of the words "deprived of" and "accrued." The Superannuation Bill will be introduced at the earliest opportunity.