HC Deb 27 April 1909 vol 4 c308W

asked the Home Secretary if he can say how many births took place in prisons in England and Wales during the years 1907–8; how many women were released during the same period from prison on account of their approaching confinement; and whether the birth is registered as having taken place in prison?


Forty-three children were born in prison in the year 1907, and 42 in 1908. In 1907, 73 women were released before the termination of their sentences on account of approaching confinement, and in 1908, 76. Births in prisons are reported by the governors direct to the local registrars, who have received special instructions from the Registrar-General, at the instance of the Commissioners, whereby the description of the place of birth in such cases is so entered as to avoid mention of the word "prison" in the certificate.