HC Deb 05 April 1909 vol 3 c886W

asked what are the conditions attached to the appointment of inspectors under the Department; how many inspectors are there; what are their names; what were their addresses when making application for the position; what salary is paid to each, and what is the amount of expenses paid individually; how many of these men have university degrees; how many are Irish-born and Roman Catholics; and whether the Irish and Catholic inspectors are receiving a lower salary than that paid to aliens?


Inspectors employed under the Department are required generally to possess scientific training and practical experience such as would fit them for the duties on which these officers are respectively employed. Their names urn given in Thorn's Directory, pages 870–1. The amounts provided for their salaries and expenses are shown in the Estimates. I decline to supply information on the other points mentioned in the question.


asked what amount of money has been spent by the Department during the 12 months ended 31st December last on the teaching of science in all institutions over which the Department exercises jurisdiction in respect of science teaching; and whether, after the educational experiments of recent years, the Department would consider the advisability of devoting a portion at least of the public money set aside for science to other educational purposes more in harmony with the requirements of the country, seeing that the results of such expenditure in the past have not justified the expenditure?


It is not possible to give the amount of the money spent by the Department in respect of the teaching of science for the twelve months ended 31st December last. The academic year does not end until 31st July, and the Department cannot furnish a statement of the expenditure until after (he completion of the year. The Department's expenditure of money in respect of the teaching of science in the past has been completely justified by the results.