Mrs Angela Watkinson

November 18, 1941 -
Summary information for Mrs Angela Watkinson



Special Educational Needs Commons July 10, 2001

Coalition against International Terrorism Commons October 8, 2001

Primary School Pupils (Travel) Written Answers October 15, 2001

School/College Transport Written Answers October 15, 2001

Teacher Training Students Written Answers October 15, 2001

School Funding (Havering) Written Answers October 16, 2001

European Communities (Amendment) Bill Commons October 17, 2001

2 speeches — Equitable Life Westminster Hall October 17, 2001

Early Years Education Westminster Hall October 18, 2001

Temporary Classrooms (Upminster) Written Answers October 18, 2001

2 speeches — Metropolitan Police Training School Commons October 22, 2001

Ministerial Conduct (DTLR) Commons October 23, 2001

Adoption and Children Bill Commons October 29, 2001

5 speeches — Food Labelling Bill Commons November 2, 2001

Public-Private Partnerships Written Answers November 6, 2001

International Development Bill [Lords] Commons November 7, 2001

Gibraltar Westminster Hall November 7, 2001

Clause 1 Commons November 14, 2001

Recycling Written Answers November 15, 2001

National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Bill Commons November 20, 2001

Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Written Answers November 21, 2001

Employment Bill Commons November 27, 2001

Swimming Pool (Upminster) Written Answers December 3, 2001

Teaching Profession Westminster Hall December 4, 2001

Supply Teachers Written Answers December 5, 2001

Teacher Vacancies (Upminster) Written Answers December 5, 2001

Teacher Vacancies (Havering) Written Answers December 5, 2001

School Repairs and Maintenance (Upminster) Written Answers December 5, 2001

Local Government White Paper Commons December 11, 2001

Individual Learning Accounts Westminster Hall December 11, 2001

Police (Upminster) Written Answers December 17, 2001

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.