Mr Thomas Inskip

1876 - October 11, 1947
Summary information for Mr Thomas Inskip



INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES. Commons February 14, 1927

3 speeches — CINEMATOGRAPH FILMS BILL. Commons March 22, 1927

11 speeches — CROWN LANDS (No. 2) BILL. Commons March 30, 1927

20 speeches — LANDLORD AND TENANT (No. 2) BILL. Commons April 7, 1927

15 speeches — TRADE DISPUTES AND TRADE UNIONS BILL. Commons May 5, 1927

9 speeches — CLAUSE 1.— (Illegal Strikes.) Commons May 12, 1927

CLAUSE 1.—(Illegal Strikes.) Commons May 18, 1927

7 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Protection of persons re-fusing to take part in illegal strikes.) Commons May 20, 1927

3 speeches — CLAUSE 3.—(Prevention of intimidation, etc.) Commons May 24, 1927

5 speeches — TRADE DISPUTES AND TRADE UNIONS BILL. Commons June 13, 1927

19 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Incorporation of Commissioners of Crown Lands). Commons June 16, 1927

5 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Powers of Sale.) Commons June 16, 1927

2 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(Power to lease.) Commons June 16, 1927

3 speeches — CLAUSE 7.—(Regulations respecting mining leases.) Commons June 16, 1927

3 speeches — CLAUSE 8.—(Separate dealing with surface and minerals, with or without wayleaves, etc.) Commons June 16, 1927

CLAUSE 10.—(Power to grant land for public and charitable purposes.) Commons June 16, 1927

15 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Illegal Strikes and Lock-outs.) Commons June 21, 1927

2 speeches — TRADE DISPUTES AND TRADE UNIONS BILL. Commons June 23, 1927

3 speeches — JUSTICES, ADVISOLY COMMITTEE, WEST RIDING. Commons July 14, 1927

9 speeches — LANDLORD AND TENANT (No. 2) BILL. Commons November 8, 1927

4 speeches — CLAUSE 18.—(Provisions as to covenants not to assign, etc., without licence or consent.) Commons November 11, 1927

4 speeches — CLAUSE 3.—(Penalty on Contraventions.) Commons November 14, 1927

CLAUSE 6.—(Registration of Films.) Commons November 14, 1927

CLAUSE 9.—(Power to require reference to High Court.) Commons November 14, 1927

5 speeches — CLAUSE 13.—(Provisions as to renters' quota.) Commons November 15, 1927

2 speeches — CLAUSE 17.—(Prohibition against carrying on business of renter unless licensed.) Commons November 15, 1927

18 speeches — LANDLORD AND TENANT (No. 2) BILL. Commons November 18, 1927

3 speeches — JUSTICES, ADVISORY COMMITTEE, WEST RIDING. Commons November 21, 1927

KING'S BENCH DIVISION (JUDGES). Commons November 21, 1927

KING'S BENCH DIVISION (CASES AWAITING TRIAL). Written Answers November 24, 1927

INQUEST, SHEFFIELD. Commons December 1, 1927


MAGISTRATES, DARLINGTON. Commons December 1, 1927

2 speeches — HIGH COURT JUDGES. Commons December 5, 1927

2 speeches — PRAYER BOOK MEASURE, 1927. Commons December 15, 1927


2 speeches — New CLAUSE C.—(Restriction on contracting out.) Commons December 21, 1927

CLAUSE 16.—(Holdings to which Part I applies.) Commons December 21, 1927

4 speeches — CLAUSE 18.—(Provisions as to covenants not to assign, etc., without licence or consent.) Commons December 21, 1927

CLAUSE 19.—(Apportionment of Rents.) Commons December 21, 1927

NEW CLAUSE D.—(Provisions as to tribunal.) Commons December 21, 1927

CLAUSE 3.—(Registration.) Commons December 21, 1927

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE 9.—(Validation of trust funds for the reduction of National Debt.) Commons December 21, 1927

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.