Mr Joel Barnett

October 14, 1923 -
Summary information for Mr Joel Barnett



House of Lords Reform Lords January 9, 2002

Euro: Economic Tests Lords January 16, 2002

House of Lords' Offices: Select Committee Report Lords January 21, 2002

Tax Simplification Lords January 23, 2002

House of Lords Reform Lords January 29, 2002

Second Parliamentary Chamber for Europe: EUC Report Lords February 11, 2002

Sterling Exchange Rate Lords February 26, 2002

BBC Standards Lords March 6, 2002

2 speeches — Railtrack: Investment Risk Lords March 13, 2002

US Steel Tariffs Lords March 18, 2002

2 speeches — European Union: Definition of "Federalism" Lords March 19, 2002

Corporate Regulation Lords March 20, 2002

House of Lords: Elected Member Options Lords March 26, 2002

Special Advisers Lords April 22, 2002

Tax Credits Written Answers May 2, 2002

3 speeches — Government Expenditure Lords May 15, 2002

Working Practices of the House Lords May 21, 2002

Economic Growth Lords May 22, 2002

2 speeches — Convention on the Future of Europe Lords May 27, 2002

2 speeches — House of Lords Reform Lords May 29, 2002

3 speeches — House of Lords Business Plan Lords June 18, 2002

2 speeches — Procedure of the House: Select Committee Second Report Lords June 24, 2002

Accounting Standards Lords July 4, 2002

Network Rail Lords July 15, 2002

Spending Review Lords July 15, 2002

New £5 Notes Written Answers July 18, 2002

Euro Preparations Written Answers July 18, 2002

Serious Fraud Office Annual Report Written Answers July 22, 2002

4 speeches — Procedure of the House: Select Committee Report Lords July 24, 2002

Procedure of the House: Select Committee Report Lords July 24, 2002

Code of Practice on Access to Government Information: Monitoring Report Written Answers July 24, 2002

Non-Executive Directors Lords July 30, 2002

Financial Assistance to Opposition Parties Lords July 30, 2002

Directors' Remuneration Lords October 9, 2002

European Union: Forthcoming Council Business Written Answers October 22, 2002

3 speeches — Central Government: Financial Reporting Standards Lords October 23, 2002

Euro: Economic Tests for UK Entry Lords October 30, 2002

Private Finance Initiatives and Public/Private Partnerships Written Answers November 5, 2002

PFI/PPP Contracts Written Answers November 7, 2002

Damages for Future Loss Written Answers November 7, 2002

Committee of Selection Lords November 14, 2002

Tax Harmonisation Lords November 20, 2002

2 speeches — Private Finance Initiative Lords November 26, 2002

London Underground Contracts: Consultancy Costs Lords December 2, 2002

Household Debt Lords December 3, 2002

Euro: Price Convergence Lords December 4, 2002

Tax Law Rewrite Bills: Select Committee Lords December 9, 2002

London Underground: Public/Private Partnership Written Answers December 9, 2002

Budget Report Lords December 10, 2002

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.