Lords Sitting of 6 November 2002 Series 5 Vol. 640

  1. Preamble 30 words
  2. cc707-9
  3. National Care Standards Commission 921 words
  4. cc709-12
  5. Private Finance Initiative 1,211 words
  6. cc712-4
  7. Zimbabwe 915 words
  8. cc714-6
  9. Paul Burrell Prosecution 1,144 words
  10. c716
  11. Business 34 words
  12. cc716-8
  13. Standing Orders (Public Business) 809 words
  14. c718
  15. Commonwealth Bill 6 words
  16. cc718-21
  17. Employment (Northern Ireland) Order 2002 996 words
  18. cc721-43
  19. Northern Ireland Act 2000 (Suspension of Devolved Government) Order 2002 11,613 words
  20. c743
  21. Northern Ireland Act 2000 (Modification) Order 2002 34 words
  22. cc743-4
  23. Lord Goldsmith: Personal Statement 269 words
  24. cc744-58
  25. Foot and Mouth Disease 6,991 words
  26. cc758-91
  27. Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill 16,429 words, 1 division
  28. cc791-808
  29. Northern Cyprus 8,667 words
  30. cc808-56
  31. Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill 24,336 words, 1 division
  32. cc856-62
  33. Enterprise Bill 2,209 words