Lords Sitting of 25 March 2002 Series 5 Vol. 633

  1. Preamble 25 words
  2. cc1-4
  3. Rear Passenger Seat Belts 1,289 words
  4. cc4-6
  5. Foot and Mouth Disease 1,030 words
  6. cc6-9
  7. Disabled Children in Residential Schools 1,438 words
  8. cc9-11
  9. International Campaign Against Terrorism 741 words
  10. c11
  11. Business 124 words
  12. cc11-2
  13. Police Reform Bill [H.L.] 86 words
  14. cc12-30
  15. Proceeds of Crime Bill 9,575 words
  16. cc30-44
  17. Consignia 6,752 words
  18. cc44-64
  19. Proceeds of Crime Bill 10,909 words
  20. cc64-75
  21. Railtrack 5,292 words
  22. cc75-133
  23. Afghanistan 30,533 words
  24. cc133-56
  25. Autism 11,654 words