Lords Sitting of 9 December 1999 Series 5 Vol. 607

  1. Preamble 21 words
  2. cc1381-3
  3. South East: Regional Planning Guidance 987 words
  4. cc1383-5
  5. Ministerial Blind Trusts 884 words
  6. cc1385-8
  7. London Underground: Financing Methods 1,581 words
  8. cc1388-91
  9. European Union Regional Aid 1,057 words
  10. c1391
  11. Business 32 words
  12. cc1391-408
  13. House of Lords' Offices: Select Committee Report 8,938 words, 1 division
  14. cc1409-18
  15. French Ban on British Beef 4,841 words
  16. c1418
  17. Nuclear Safeguards Bill [H.L.] 48 words
  18. cc1419-45
  19. Limited Liability Partnerships Bill [H.L.] 13,735 words
  20. cc1445-7
  21. Dental Auxiliaries (Amendment) Regulations 1999 1,041 words
  22. cc1447-50
  23. Maternity & Parental Leave etc. Regulations 1999 1,448 words
  24. cc1450-3
  25. Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (England and Wales) Regulations 2000 1,523 words
  26. cc1454-5
  27. Scotland Act 1998 (Transfer of Functions to the Scottish Ministers etc.) (No. 2) Order 1999 720 words
  28. cc1455-7
  29. Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 1999 783 words
  30. cc1457-8
  31. Non-Domestic Rating (Chargeable Amounts) (England) Regulations 1999 560 words
  32. cc1458-72
  33. Financial Statement and Budget Report 6,593 words