Lords Sitting of 3 July 1995 Series 5 Vol. 565

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc931-3
  3. United Kingdom: Defence Spending 1,275 words
  4. cc933-6
  5. Au Pair Scheme and Poland 1,096 words
  6. cc936-8
  7. BBC Educational Programmes 1,215 words
  8. cc938-41
  9. The ERM 1,243 words
  10. c941
  11. Business of the House: Debate, 4th July 51 words
  12. c941
  13. Sports (Discrimination) Bill [H.L.] 11 words
  14. cc941-2
  15. Commonwealth Development Corporation (No. 2) Bill [H.L.] 756 words
  16. cc942-69
  17. Criminal Appeal Bill 14,551 words, 1 division
  18. cc969-81
  19. Town and Country Planning (Costs of Inquiries etc.) Bill 6,193 words
  20. cc981-94
  21. Income Support for Care of the Elderly 6,805 words
  22. c994
  23. Criminal Injuries Compensation Bill 12 words
  24. c994
  25. Environment Bill [H.L.] 28 words