Lords Sitting of 19 October 1994 Series 5 Vol. 558

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. c201
  3. Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead 57 words
  4. c201
  5. Lord Dubs 37 words
  6. cc201-4
  7. Swan Hunter 1,490 words
  8. cc204-5
  9. Cross-Media Ownership 511 words
  10. cc205-8
  11. Forestry: Planting Targets 1,160 words
  12. cc208-10
  13. Income Support 1,280 words
  14. c210
  15. University of London Bill 14 words
  16. cc211-320
  17. Local Government etc. (Scotland) Bill 57,327 words, 3 divisions