Lords Sitting of 11 October 1994 Series 5 Vol. 557

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. c811
  3. Lord Shaw of Northstead 36 words
  4. c811
  5. Baroness Farrington of Ribbleton 39 words
  6. cc811-3
  7. Philippines: Trade Promotion 1,226 words
  8. cc814-5
  9. Gibraltar-Algeciras Ferry 744 words
  10. cc815-7
  11. Drift Nets: EU Commission Proposals 979 words
  12. cc818-20
  13. Transport Research Laboratory 862 words
  14. c820
  15. Business of the House: Debates, 20th October 259 words
  16. cc820-85
  17. Deregulation and Contracting Out Bill 34,655 words, 3 divisions
  18. cc885-8
  19. SCHEDULE 1,836 words