Lords Sitting of 22 February 1994 Series 5 Vol. 552

  1. Preamble 23 words
  2. cc509-10
  3. Civil Actions: Damages 488 words
  4. cc510-3
  5. Mr. Christopher Campbell: BR Post 1,444 words
  6. cc513-5
  7. NHS: Long-term Care 1,053 words
  8. cc515-7
  9. Durham Coalfield: Water Pumping Policy 1,017 words
  10. cc517-81
  11. Police and Magistrates' Courts Bill [H.L.] 34,582 words, 1 division
  12. cc581-91
  13. Non-Domestic Rating Bill 4,481 words
  14. cc591-624
  15. Police and Magistrates' Courts Bill [H.L.] 16,751 words