Lords Sitting of 15 February 1994 Series 5 Vol. 552

  1. Preamble 23 words
  2. cc91-4
  3. Religious Education 1,434 words
  4. cc94-6
  5. British Library: St. Pancras Site 1,302 words
  6. cc96-8
  7. Accident and Emergency Services 1,038 words
  8. cc99-101
  9. Grant-Maintained Schools 953 words
  10. c101
  11. Business of the House: Debates,16th February 59 words
  12. cc101-59
  13. Police and Magistrates' Courts Bill [H.L.] 31,922 words
  14. cc159-72
  15. Non-Domestic Rating Bill 6,835 words
  16. cc172-81
  17. Malvern Hills Bill [H.L.] 4,932 words
  18. cc181-98
  19. Police and Magistrates' Courts Bill [H.L.] 9,018 words